What is CHRES?
• service helping investors and companies to dynamically protect their existing portfolios of assets against the fluctuations of currency exchange rates, only when necessary and without changing the underlying investments.
• The CHRES service shall represent a kind of insurance against these losses by automatically taking counter positions in a cost effective way, only when needed.
CHRES Project – Currency Hedging and Risk Management Service – YouTube
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When investing or doing business inforeign countries, the risk of fluctuating currency exchange rates is often overlooked. While the actual value of the asset denominated in the foreign
currency might not change, the actual monetary value that the investorreceives after the conversion to Euro can fluctuate significantly due to the exchange rate.
CHRES uses currency trading strategies with a long-proven track record of 20 years and cutting-edge technology to detect trends and dynamically increase or decrease the protection. Users can decide their level of security by selecting one of several scenarios per currency.
CHRES was in develpment with a brilliant team from all around europe.
For a detailed inside watch our video here.